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Resident Tags

Resident tags help to identify residents and communicate to subsets of residents only. Tags can also act as new resident types.

Written by 1VALET Admin
Updated over 2 months ago

Resident tags

To help identify residents correctly and communicate more efficiently, tags can now be added to any resident.

Tags have numerous useful applications. For example, individuals who have access to units but are not on the lease can be tagged as Family Members, Caretakers, Leasing Agents, and more. This helps to keep track of them and allows to exclude them from announcements if needed. This way the tags can be used to create resident sub-types in addition to the existing resident types.

In condo buildings, some residents can be tagged as Board Members. Announcements can then be sent exclusively to those residents.

Resident tags are entirely custom and can have any names. Multiple tags can be added to each resident. Announcements allow to include some tags, while excluding others.

Resident list can also be filtered for specific tags, to help quickly find the residents with that tag.

Creating a resident tag

To create a new resident tag category, from the Residents tab, navigate to any resident profile page by selecting the resident and selecting "Edit Resident". From the resident profile page, scroll to the "Create tags" section.

Create a new tag by entering it in the text box and selecting Add, or select any of the previously created tags by clicking on them. To confirm, scroll to the bottom of the page and hit Save.

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