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Tour 1CONNECT Incident Reports

This article provides insight on how to use the Incident Report tab in the 1CONNECT web portal to create and record building incidents.

Written by Anthony Brown-Iroaganachi
Updated over 2 months ago

The Incident Report tool is a handy way for the Property Management and Security team to record any unusual activities within the building. This tool provides insight for the wider team to follow up on any reported issues. The information created within an Incident Report - even when tagging a resident - is strictly confidential and only visible to the Property Management team.

To start, ensure that the Property Management team members have the Permission to create and log incidents. For this, please see our Staff Permissions article here: What is a permission group?

In the 1CONNECT portal, under the Building Management tab, select 'Incident Reports'. The new page will allow you log an Incident as well as customise which incidents to log.

After editing the default Incident categories, click on 'Save' for the edits to take effect and then proceed to click on 'Log New Incident'.

Fill out all the required sections, add any attachments and 'Save'.

All saved reports will populate on the Incident Report homepage for review at any time. to make searching easier, use the filter options to narrow down the search to particular incident categories or use a specified timeframe.

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