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Troubleshooting SALTO fob readers
Written by Dan Larocca
Updated yesterday

For buildings with the full SALTO access control package with 1VALET, you may find yourself needing to troubleshoot certain fob readers if they are not allowing access to a fob or 1VALET app digital fob.

For basics of interacting with SALTO suite door locks, read our article here.

For help with battery-powered readers that may need an emergency unlock, an update or a battery change, refer to our article here.

For additional support, the below documentation from SALTO will walk you through an overview of the SALTO equipment you have along with a guide to outline potential issues you may see with a fob reader and the recommended fix as appropriate.

If you encounter a fob reader behaving differently than you would expect, take note of the colored indicator the fob reader gives at the time of the attempted entry, and review the below document for more details on what might be happening:

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